
“Limping On Cloud 9” is a podcast that chronicles the life of Hammad Zaidi, a disabled guy who shares his magical journey with his blind friend.

412 Resumes & My First Job in Film

Today’s podcast chronicles Hammad’s adventures on the first motion picture he ever worked on. The clips below are of the trailer for “Me and the Kid,” the first film Hammad ever worked on, as well as some amazing clips from other work from the actors in the film. As Always, […]

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“Weird Al” Yankovic’s Originality is Inspiring

  Hammad and Jonathan are fascinated with “Weird Al” Yankovic. Thank you kindly for lending us your ears and eyes. Here’s a few clips from Weird Al’s 1989 film, UHF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUi926ses94 And, here are some incredible “Weird Al” videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=notKtAgfwDA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2mU6USTBRE And Here’s Weird Al Yankovich with Dr. Demeto from […]

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Shrek is an “Ogre Achiever!”

Today’s podcast chronicles how Hammad Zaidi created the concept for “Ogre Achiever,” which is a Shrek-based national billboard campaign. As always, we thank you for lending us your ears and eyes! Here is the official trailer to the first “Shrek” film:

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Remedial Me!

Being placed in remedial classes taught me a lot about believing in myself. As always, thank you for lending us your ears and eyes. Here are some interesting videos about remedial classes.

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Mini-Bikes, Mopeds and Me!

Riding minibikes and mopeds were a right of passage growing up – even if they were excruciatingly dangerous for a disabled kid. Thank you kindly for lending us your ears and eyes! Here’s a roll down memory lane with Skat-Kat Minibikes! Here’s what Hammad’s first moped looked like (it was […]

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Olympia Dukakis and Me!

This podcasts chronicles Hammad’s amazingly memorable experience with Academy Award winning actress Olympia Dukakis. As always, we thank you for lending us your ears and eyes. Here’s Olympia Dukakis winning her Academy Award for “Moonstruck.” Here’s a great clip from “Moonstruck.”  

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From Inspiration to Incarceration

“From Inspiration to Incarceration” shares a moment in time when  Hammad Zaidi was involved in acquiring the life rights to a young American hero, whose life became anything but heroic. Attached below the ceremony when President Obama awarded Vice President Joe Biden with the Congressional Medial of Freedom, with Distinction. […]

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Rendezvous with The Barenaked Ladies!

For our 50th edition, we’re exploring a fun rendezvous with “The Barenaked Ladies.”  As always, we thank you for lending us your eyes. This is the Father’s Day concert Jonathan attended, where, “Dave,” was brought up on stage to sing the lead vocals on “Brian Wilson.” Here’s the theme song […]

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